18March 2019
Whenever I conduct my initial complimentary consultation with a prospective client one of the first things I always ask is, “What are your social media marketing goals?” I always get the same frightened deer in the headlights look. Especially if they are new to social marketing and don’t have a presence on social media at all.
So, I’m going to make it easy and help you to relax and do some common sense thinking about how you want your business to improve with social marketing. We’re not going to go too deep or get too technical, but rather get an understanding of how implementing a simple social media marketing campaign can help you grow your business.
Ready? Here we go.
1. Brand Awareness
If you’re a business, it’s not a good thing to be the internet’s best kept secret! The undeniable power of social media makes it an unavoidable part of your marketing strategy.
Brand awareness is all about your brand becoming relevant to potential buyers, showcasing who you are and what you do. You may have a great deal of competition in your local area, so letting people see your logo and your services frequently will help etch your brand name in people’s heads and help them remember you. Allowing customers to “see behind the curtain” by posting photos of employees, the office, and company events give customers a chance to relate to your business and humanizes it.
Get more attention by posting large, colorful, and relevant graphics that support your brand and use humor where you can. This will help build a connection with customers that you are here in the marketplace.
This strategy can help increase followers, engagement, likes, retweets etc.
2. Build Trust and Authority
Unlike the past where marketers blindly advertised and hoped for the best, social media provides your company the opportunity to engage with customers in real time. Use social media to become an authority in your industry. You can do this by posting educational content about the best ways to use your product or service, the benefits of choosing your company and highlighting client successes. You can answer FAQ’s in your posts by telling stories about how your product or service helped, changed or improved someone’s life or gave them a beneficial outcome.
By constantly engaging with customers, your company can stay up to date on the problems they’re facing and develop solutions – making you an authority in your industry.
When you become a solid, trustworthy business in your community it’s a game changer because we all like to do business with people we know, like and trust.
3. Build Brand Loyalty
This is simply building a community of advocates for your business. This comes from having happy customers who are active in your community who share their admiration for you or your product and share it with others, either in person or online.
When you have different offers running consistently this will also increase awareness in your community and even real word of mouth advertising. Promote the business activities, promotions, and events you attend through your posts and take advantage of social network banners and covers to promote these as well. Changing your covers consistently to promote your latest offering or community event keeps your pages fresh and interesting.
Following these 3 basic strategies is only a start for you to build on, but will help you make the leap into social media marketing and greater brand awareness.
If you find you need more help and support, consider hiring a social media management specialist at M2 Media Management. We offer a complimentary social media marketing consultation to help you define your social marketing goals and create social marketing strategies to help you grow your business.
Monica McPherrin
Social Media Marketing Consultant